You have established a connection between G2 and a C# application and want to know how to get the values from a G2 sequence in the C# application. This article provides an example of how this can be accomplished.
The following example assumes that you have already established a connection between your C# application and G2, that allows you to send and receive data.
With the following G2 procedure definition:
dotnet() = (sequence)
s: sequence = sequence();
ss: structure;
ss = structure(x: the symbol dotnet);
s = insert-at-end(s, ss);
return s;
And the following C# sample code:
var g2Gateway = new G2Gateway(); g2Gateway.G2Location = "localhost:1111"; g2Gateway.Connect(true); string procname = "dotnet"; object[] procedureArgs = new object[] {}; object ret = g2Gateway.Call(procname, ref procedureArgs); var seq = (object[])ret; var r0 = seq[0]; G2Structure b = (G2Structure)r0; var v = b.Values(); g2Gateway.Disconnect();
The value of v will be [“DOTNET”];
If the received data is of type System_object, you can cast the data to a usable type.
Priyanka Bhotika